3. Confronting Cyberbullying

3. Confronting Cyberbullying

Digital and online platforms provide a virtual space for conversations to take place, and for opinions to be voiced. As good as anonymity can be in maintaining privacy, it may also provide cover for nefarious elements. Anonymous or not, harassment or bullying through electronic means is a cause for concern for digital users worldwide. This section looks at ways to keep cyberbullies at bay as your investigations take you deep into the internet.

Cyberbullying is when someone harasses or abuses others on the internet and other digital spaces, particularly on social media sites. It has more recently evolved from being more prevalent among the teenagers, to pretty much all population subgroups. Such behaviour would include sharing rumours, threats, sexual remarks, personal information and hate speech.

The evolving ecosystem, and its entailment for journalists, means that investigative reporting is heavily at-risk to harassment online. Here are a few things to take care of when you find yourself in the crosshairs of a harasser or a bully online.